Sem Nenhum Tênis, Supreme E Nike Divulgam Nova Colaboração

20 maio 2019

Com muitas peças de frio e nenhum tênis, a SUPREME e a NIKE anunciaram uma coleção colaborativa para o verão 2019 (que começa em breve no hemisfério norte). Jaquetas, blusões de moletom, calças, suéteres e pochetes foram inspirados em roupas de trabalho e trazem um ar vintage e, até mesmo, uma lembrança de peças falsificadas. Para as fotos de campanha, o tênis escolhido foi o AIR MAX 720 “Northern Light” (Night).

Com uma rede ampla de distribuidores, a coleção SUPREME x NIKE estará à venda em Nova York, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Londres e Paris, além de online, a partir do dia 23 de maio. Ela também chegará ao Japão no dia 25.

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With the trend of fashion houses re-producing designs deriving from old bootlegs of their products, it only makes sense for Supreme to borrow a similar design approach when collaborating here and there. The new ‘Nike,’ collaboration announced this morning- which releases Thursday- is an excellent example of this. While the bottom jacket doesn’t necessarily scream ‘bootleg,’ in a sense of overcrowded logos or cheap production quality, it is in fact an unauthentic Nike piece. Supreme has made very clear changes to the product all around – from the addition of a removable hood, to the quilted lining and water resistant nylon material used for the jackets shell and interior. It’s without a doubt interesting to see the brand use this design method for an official collaboration with the sportswear giant, yet contextually it makes perfect sense. Thanks so much to @triplethrift_ and @vintagenikegallery for sending this in, if anyone knows of the other Nike references for this week feel free to shoot me a DM!

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